The journey of pregnancy is a monumental step in any person’s life. For me, it wasn’t just about conceiving; first it was about ensuring that I was physically and mentally prepared for the journey ahead. (I’m a super-planner). Plus, I’m 34 years old and had some initial health concerns. As someone deeply invested in fitness and holistic well-being, I took very deliberate steps before trying to get pregnant, which I believe played a significant role in our successful conception on our first try. Although my family now calls Trevor “first try Trevor” – all jokes aside, here are six things I did before trying to get pregnant that I think helped immensely:

Disclaimer: It’s essential to remember that every body is different, so what worked for me might not necessarily work for everyone. Therefore, please remember to consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before making any changes to your lifestyle or starting any new treatments or medications

ozempic ttc pregnancyOzempic for Weight Management

One decision that might raise eyebrows is my use of Ozempic for weight loss before attempting to conceive. Being an athlete, I wanted to ensure that I entered pregnancy at a healthy weight, knowing the toll it can take on the body. Additionally, with a family history of diabetes, managing my weight was crucial for my overall health and well-being. Prior to starting, my BMI hovered in the low obese range and after using Ozempic, I was able to bring it down to the mid- overweight range but I felt comfortable with my weight at that point. While there’s speculation about the link between Ozempic use and the recent baby boom, its effects on pregnancy remain largely unexplored due to its exclusion from early clinical trials. However, under medical guidance, I used it to reach a healthy weight, stopping at least a month before trying to conceive.

Acupuncture for Mind + Body

 ttc pregnancy acupunctureAcupuncture played a pivotal role in my pre-conception journey. My practitioner tailored sessions to prepare my body for pregnancy, focusing on enhancing fertility and overall well-being. I’ve gone to acupuncture for 3 years now and love it, so I knew it would be integral to baby prep.

Pilates for Strength Building

 ttc pregnancy pilatesPilates wasn’t just about preparing for pregnancy; it was a foundation I laid five years prior to even thinking about conceiving. The benefits of Pilates extend beyond just improving pelvic floor strength, though that’s certainly advantageous for pregnancy. By building strength, balance, endurance, and muscle tone, Pilates laid the groundwork for my conception efforts, ensuring my body was primed for the journey ahead.

Letting Go of Marijuana + (Most) Alcohol

 ttc pregnancy marijuanaGiving up marijuana was a conscious choice I made in preparation for pregnancy. While the debate surrounding marijuana’s impact on fertility continues, I opted to eliminate it from my life to eliminate any potential risks – even CBD usage. While I didn’t completely give up alcohol, being on Ozempic pretty much made me lose interest in alcohol altogether. The medication’s effect on my appetite and overall lifestyle made me rarely crave alcohol in the year leading up to pregnancy.

Prenatal Vitamins Because…Duh
 ttc pregnancy prenatalRecognizing the importance of optimal nutrition even before conception, I started taking prenatal supplements six months before trying to get pregnant. My prenatal of choice is by Ritual. I got the citrus-essenced flavor because it had a hint of lemon and I had heard some prenatals taste a little fishy due to the omegas – so this one was more than tolerable. Like a lemon tablet! Taking these prenatals ensured that my body had essential nutrients crucial for early fetal development.
Halting Birth Control Years Ago
 ttc pregnancy birth controlAdditionally, I stopped using birth control back in 2017 years before attempting to conceive, which I think allowed my body time to regulate its natural cycle and hormone levels. This decision came from how birth control made me feel mentally and emotionally. Giving my body the opportunity to return to its natural rhythm was crucial in preparing for conception, and it was a choice that I made which accidentally fell in alignment with my overall well-being and fertility goals.

While each person’s pregnancy path is unique, taking proactive steps to prepare for pregnancy can significantly impact the journey. From prioritizing physical fitness to fostering mental well-being, every choice made before conception lays the foundation for the miraculous journey ahead. By embracing a holistic approach and addressing various aspects of health and wellness, I embarked on my pregnancy journey with confidence, knowing that I had done everything in my power to prepare for the beautiful adventure of motherhood.